Welcome to the Web Site of Phaedra Whitlock.
Some Personal History.
I was born in Illinois, and named after a Phaedra in Greek Mythology. My family moved to several different places around Illinois as I grew up and I ended up back in Peoria to go to college at Bradley University.
Graduated with an Art degree and became a graphic designer for the Office of Water Resources.
After moving here I met Cathy Mosley through a local Star Wars
gaming group, and she introduced me to the Star Wars Forces of the Empire roleplay club where I met Patrick and Dizzy. Patrick and Dizzy got
me on-line where I have found other friends in Alt.Dragons-Inn, a fantasy D&D roleplay by newsgroup group and from there on to other games and friends.
I've been playing online MMORPGs since the early Everquest days and while playing one of them, encountered MMORadio hosting a dance party. Thus began a career of non-levelling and alot of dancing that led to joining their staff in December 2004.
I like gaming, roleplaying, and visiting interesting on-line museums and websites. I read lots of science fiction, fantasy and romance books, but these days have been reading more history than anything else.
The Lensman series by Doc E.E. Smith
Robert A. Heinlein,
Sherrilyn Kenyon's Dark Hunter series,
Lord Peter Wimsey mysteries by Dorothy L. Sayers,
The DragonLance trilogy
Darkover by Marion Zimmer Bradley,
An usual assortment of magazines (Newsweek, Time, Foreign Affairs, Computer Gaming World, Computer Games, Archaeology Odyssey...), Romances and Mercator's World about maps. I also like skimming the Web and reading what looks interesting.
I claim two cats as my own, and have a tentative claim on two more at my
parents house. One younger brother named Charles, two live parents, three live
grand-parents, and 6 cousins who have 2 children so far.
Charles was married to Jennifer, and they and my mother and two cousins are all
nurses. Charles married Jill in 2006, and she has two prior children.
I like space
very much and one of my favorite books is rather technical one on the logistics
of setting up a moon colony and what it would be like to then live there. In the meantime, there is NASA.
I've always liked languages, took french in High School and College, and had
Spanish in High School as well (do NOT take French and
Spanish at the same time). Would like to learn Klingon, Romulan (Rihannsu), Japanese, Arabic, Russian... Just about anything really. I'm not picky.

MMORadio, an internet radio station
Sherrilyn Kenyon's Dark Hunter series
Doc E.E. Smith's Lensman Series
D&D random creators
The Information SuperLibrary
Project Gutenberg
The Web Museum
European History
Ral Partha miniatures
Media*West Con
Dungeons and Dragons
Vampire, the Masquerade Roleplaying Game by White Wolf
Champions Roleplaying Game
Klingon Language Institute