The Radioactive Ghost

Welcome to The Ghost, Hudson Valley's only free net forum for gamers. This site has been created in order to make it easier for gamers of the Mid Hudson Valley to find each other. Choose your game from the list below to access forums where you can post messages to other gamers and read what other gamers have writen. Use it to find other players for your game or just trade ideas.
Email the Webmaster

Role Playing Games Go here to find other players and campaigns in the Hudson Valley, to ask obscure rules questions, or just to discuss you favorite RPG. 
The Warhammer forum, find players, games or discuss your armies and tactics. 
Figure Games & Painting This cover all other figure wargames, from Mage Knight and Chainmail to Battlefleet Gothic. This forum is also for figure painters and collectors.
Wargames From Axis and Alies to Car Wars, all other wargames are covered here. Find other players or just discuss tactics. 
Trading Card Games Magic Cards, Pokemon, Lord of the Rings, and all other trading card games. Find other players and tournaments. Hey, organize a tourney in your town. 

Rules: Please keep things in the correct forum. We would prefer if you didn't give out your phone number, anyone who can access this site has email. You are responsible for your own words, and this site and it's owner take no responsibility for anything said here. Remember that there are kids on these forums so try to keep it tasteful. No business deals should be conducted on this site. If you want a forum for a game you don't see here just let me know. Any questions feel free to email me.

This site is sponsored and run by Crazyace Web Productions.

Local Web Sites:

The Dragon's Painted People
Expert figure painting service from a Kingston based artist.
Click here for web site

Innocents Lost
World of Darkness LARPS in Westchester.
Click here for web site

If you have a local gaming web site, email me and I'll add a link in return for your link to this site.

Local Shops:

Dragon's Den
An excellent selection of RPGs, cards, and wargames. Hosts games in store.
Poughkeepsie Plaza right near Toys R US off 9w.
(845) 471-1401

The Tinker Gnome
A small but good selection of RPG's, cards, and figures, and an excellent selection of war games and board games. Also sells LARP costumes. Hosts events in store, and one can often find a game here.
Woodstock right next to Municiple Parking.
(845)679-4282  Click here for web site

Tony's Cards & Collectibles
An excellent selection of Magic Cards and some other card games as well as Mage Knight. As of September these guys still have Ice Age! Regular tournaments.
37 North Front St. Kingston

If you have a local shop I will list you if you put up a notice about this web site in your shop. Email me below for details.

Email the Webmaster