Courtney and Anastasia's Blue's Clues Place

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Hey, thanks for dropping in to our place on the web. As you can see, I'm a big fan of Blues Clues. Then, I'm only 2 years old, and my dad has made this up so that other people that know me can have a CLUE at what I like. Isn't that nice of him? Well, I thought it was.

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I've also got a baby sister named Anastasia, who is, at the time of this page being built, 8 weeks old. I know that she doesn't understand Blues Clues yet, but I'm sure that she will love it just as much as I do.

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Below you will also find some pictures of my sister and I, Mom and Dad, and some links to other Blues Clues websites that I have found really cool. Hope you enjoy this page as much as I have. Bye-Bye.


Courtney (5784 bytes)Anastasia (5881 bytes)Mom (5760 bytes)Dad (5727 bytes)links (5926 bytes)Charlie (5625 bytes)

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Email Courtney (3090 bytes)

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Due to CopyRight Laws, I'm going to include this:
All images, sounds, and names associated with Nickelodeon's "Blue's Clues" are
     strictly the property of Nickelodeon© and Viacom©. I am not in any way, shape, form or fashion associated with the production
of "Blue's Clues" and I am not employed by Nicklodeon© or Viacom©.
This page was created for the express purpose of the enjoyment of my children, their friends and family, and myself. I would, however, like to thank the folks responsible (i.e. Nikelodeon© and Viacom©) for bringing such an exceptionally educational show
to television for the benefit of children everywhere. Well done!

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This website is best viewed at the resolution of 1024 x 768 in Microsoft Internet Explorer.

This site was created by Darkhorse Web Designs, Canberra, Australia 2002

Email Darkhorse (4043 bytes)