Welcome to Lamblor's Web Page... of DOOM! And video games.

Hello. I am the Lamblor5000, and I have a proposition for you, the game playing mass audience. I have grown weary of my pathetic video games, and I want some fresh blood. The problem is that I am at a loss on what to buy. Therefore, I have made this webpage. I come to you with a challenge. Attempt to suggest a video game for me to play. If I enjoy it, you will get your name listed in my "Hall of Prophets", along with a hefty prize!

But be forewarned! I have a very fine, if not thin taste when it comes to games. Any suggestion you give me will have to stand my personal test to be considered serious gaming material! To say the least, I will be pleasantly surprised if you suggest a remotely playable game.

I own a Playstation, a Playstation2, a Nintendo 64, a Super Nintendo, a Game Boy Advance, a GameCube, and a PC. If the game you request is for PC, please send me a link as to where I can find a demo. I don't want to live with my purchase of a horrible game that you personally suggest.

Name (required field):

Nickname (required field):

For what system do you feel you have the most know-how?
Game Cube
Nintendo 64
Super Nintendo
Nintendo Entertainment System
Game Boy
Game Boy Advance
PlayStation 2
Sega Genesis
Game Gear
Sega Master System
Atari 2600

What is the game or system you would like to suggest?

E-mail Lamblor C/O SuperGeko@aol.com.

Click here to go to the Hall of Prophets.

Click here to read a few words from the site's WebMaster.

Check out my new DreamCast advertisement.

That Guile gif at the top was swiped from the one, the only, the impossibly comprehensive guide to that type of thing, the Fighter's Generation.