Ages ago, when the land was still young, Nimbus founded the Guild of the Sorcerers, a place where elementalists of the air, young and old, could exchange views and experience regarding matters of the aerial arcane and the Realms of the Dragon. Many have, ever since, attempted to become a part of this society of arcanists, and many have failed in this quest. For the path of the Sorcerer is hard to walk upon, suitable only for individuals of strong nerves and endless patience. Yet, in the end the benefits from such a troubled course are many and well worth the torment of the mind and body.

This scroll has been created for those who in their journeys, chose to follow the path of Sorcery, with all the difficulties it entails. It shall serve as a guide for the adept, or as a remainder for those skilled in practice, that this craft is wonderful and deadly at the same time. Search not for answers in the pages that ensue, only guidelines that lead to the ultimate goal. The revelation of arcane knowledge. Only then you will become a true spellcaster. Only then you will have the honour to be named "Fury of the Heavens".




Page designed and maintained by Conrad, Mentor of Lightning..
Many thanks to Demus for providing the graphics material for this page..

Send your comments or ideas to Conrad in the Realms of the Dragon.