Entry to the Guild The Thieves' Guild Logo
Welcome friend, rest awaits inside.  You are about to enter a haven for those of more... unique talents.  The Thieves' Guild is a sanctuary for thieves of all types.  Remember, no fighting is allowed inside, and of course, there's no need to watch your purse...

Meet the Guild Members The verdict is in. The first five have been chosen and notified. But don't give up, I will more than likely take on about five more characters in about two weeks. If your character is in, then no need submitting again. If you what to submitt another character feel free. I will be adding a new page about the guild and it's members shortly. Keep in touch. I will put on that page specific kits I am looking for. These kits will be looked at above all others. One right now I need Is a Fence. If you have one please submit it. It will more than likely be able to play right now. Thanks for all the Applications.


If you are interested in becomeing a dm for the guild Then contact The_Guild_Master. The Guild Master. I will except as many of them as I have characters submitted.

The Thieves' Guild is a free play by e-mail (PBeM) game based on Advanced Dungeons and Dragons (AD&D). The Guild is open to thieves of any background, race, alignment and kit. We extend our call to lovers of the Thief class everywhere, adventure awaits...

All applicantes should go to the Notices link. I have listed information everyone should find useful there. Also Check out the new Rumours message boards. I am requiring every one to visit and leave a message (see details at the Notice link.

For useful thief information, including kits, equipment and skills,
visit The Circle of Thieves.

I incourage all members to use the Rumours link to communicate to each other. (This link DOES WORK! If you get an error message, hit the refresh button or try later.) Non-members are welcome for Discussions covering any thief-type subject as well as PBeM and more general AD&D stuff.

Please check out the new Links Page. I will be updating these regularly.
Rules Specific to the Thieves' Guild PBeM
Opportunities to Join the Guild
Epic Tales from the Guildhouse
Official Statements of Guild Policy
Explore the City of Midsgaar
Post questions and comments
Awards we have Won
Links to other D&D based sites

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Site last updated October 29, 1998

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