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Welcome! On this WebSite you will find information, pictures and links to some of the subjects that interest me, such as music, sports, news and games. Please ensure you go to the Guestbook and leave a message.

Helloween - Awesome German Metal Band.

Blind Guardian - The best Heavy Metal band in the world.

CD Covers - CD covers for music CD's, Playstation games, and DVD's.

Playstation Games - Reviews of all the latest Sony Playstation games.

Sydney Morning Herald - SMH - Get with the times.

Restaurant Guide - A helpful guide to eating out in Sydney.

The Bold & the Beautiful - Summary of U.S. episodes - for Kathy.

Cricket Live - Australian Cricket Live .

Hotmail - Access your Hotmail account here.

OzTips - Online Sports Tipping Competition.

Animated Movies at DarkKnez - Animated Movies Page - avi's & mpeg's.
Catch up with the International Soccer results for the greatest team in the world Croatian Soccer - Official Page.

View all the current news, issues and results in International Soccer through
FIFA including World rankings. And click here for all the information on the English Premier League.
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