The TNT Homepage

This is the site for news and pictures from the West Midland Family Center TNT Program

Hi everyone,
If your visiting here you are probably in the TNT program or have heard of it I am a TNT member myself and thought that the program needed a site, well here it is.. In the upcoming months i will update the pictures and post events in the TNT program, well that sums it up so see ya later ya'll
Signed by the one and only, Dean Cooper

Links to other sites on the Web

link to the WMFC Center Homepage


This site will be having major changes in the upcoming months , the new Summer TNT pics will be posted and hopefully a new site design..
Summer TNT will be having there Cedar point trip this Friday , Remember be there at 5:15 or be square

Well its the end of the summer program and its a sad time... Think about it everyone school will be starting soon YEA,,,, :(

What is TNT???
TNT is a volunteer group that helps at the West Midland Family Center. Every summer 25-30 teens volunteer there summer to help run the Centers summer program. They get paid with there hours which they use to go on trips , to Canada , Cedar Point and others. TNT is a great way to grow personally and to learn how to work with children of all ages. When the summer is over the program is still going on through out the year.

you are the person to visit this site.

Its a little blurry but it's from our Canada trip.
Oh so thats how u tie a knot !
BAYWATCH Canadian style
This is Fred, Fred is red ¿ ?
Oh look it's a tourist in Canada...
Oh no the tourists are attacking the austrailian guy.BAD TOURISTS
Mother Theresa Maria

Now here are the Cedar Point pictures

The Corkscrew
The Raptor
The Mantis
The Power Tower
Looks like their CLOWNING around.
Looks like Kennys' still alive
Oh its HER again...
This is Karen, If you are reading this Karen, we all miss you and I have got your letter, we all miss u.

These were just some of the moments we had during the summer of 98.

Please send your comments to,,,

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