Lynn Moore (Coldsteel)
Hey, gang, here's my little niche of webdom. I'm a long-time gamer, been gaming since 1982 with the original D&D, then moved to wargaming in the mid-80s. In the 90s, I got into miniatures gaming, including Warhammer and WH40K. Nowadays most of my gaming life revolves around Star Fleet Battles, Starfire, Warhammer, and Victory Games products.

Personally, I did a stint (10 years) in the US Army, where I was a 'poor, bloody infantryman'. While in the Army, I got to go to Panama, South Korea, and Saudi Arabia. After I got out, I got married to my wonderful wife Anna, and we have a GORGEOUS daughter Victoria Pearl. I also have a son, Vincent, from a previous marriage.
Here's me, my wife, and our daughter, when she was about 4 months old.
Coldsteel's recommended gaming links
Games Workshop
Starfire Design Studio
Coldsteel's contact data
Name: Lynn Moore