Andrew's Music Corner


Welcome to my website..........hope you enjoy!!

subzero.gif (24737 bytes)Are you ready for midi?reptile.gif (14557 bytes)

bullet.gif (1151 bytes)You are the to discover this great midi site.

bullet.gif (1151 bytes) This great site was last updated 11/02/98



hello!! My name is Andrew,  I did this site because of that i think midis are
cool.  I  also think there are too many good midis pages out there are better then mine.  
But while you are here, Please enjoy my page and enjoy listening to my midis. Ü
	If you have no idea what midi is, please click here!
What is midi??what is midi?                

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midi I have about 300  midi in my collection!! Winamp. Click Here to download the new Wimamp 2.1!! just came out!!
Mp3 skins!! What's the new skin for Wimamp?? Links Great links to many sites...........

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my new clarinet page!!I got a brand new page!!!  I start collecting clarinet midis! CLARINET!

bullet.gif (1151 bytes) Welcome to my page, You can look aroud yourself or you can follow the arrow around.   Feel free to download the midis. And please sign my guess book.

bullet.gif (1151 bytes) To my midi Gallery

bullet.gif (1151 bytes)Well, Here is what's on my page.  I have grouped my midi, and sorry about the mp3's.  This homepage doesn't have enough space to allow me to put on.  But you can download some skin from here.  I might put some on later, if I have enough spaces.

bullet.gif (1151 bytes)Here is a page about me! The credit page. Ü me!

bullet.gif (1151 bytes) If you have no idea what midis are.........I have a page that explains that!!  Click Here

bullet.gif (1151 bytes) If you are looking for chinese midis......i have grouped them!!=Þ

bullet.gif (1151 bytes) I am very sorry that a lot of the midis in my collection i don't if u indentify one that sound fimilier to you, please e mail me and i will add it onto my list.


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sign guestbook, I know i spelled it wrong!Sign Guestbook

view guestbook, i know i spelled that wrong!View Guestbook

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This Midi-Mania Ring site owned by Andrew.

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constructionThis site is still under construction, because of that i'll constantly change and replace the

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email me please!!!!!!me please at  if you have any question or have any comment about my page.