Welcome to Number 1 Sonic Site in Geocities with the Critically Aclaimed EviL Iced.
My website is always making dramatic changes.
4-11-04 It's been 3 years since I've updating at this site and now finally I have fix this site 2 my near perfection! I now have every sonic game that ever came. I have also included a new Emulator called Gens and it works with most OS including XP.
THANK YOU EMAILERS throughout the years U guys made me find a way too
fix that Downloaing issue I had a while back. You guys made me update or else I would've shut down this site.
Game Info: Sonic Spinball Metel Music is a hoax (it's the same as Sonic Spinball but different music)
Sonic Warrior looks like Sonic 3 just a different starting but
it has one difference: Robo Sonic is Knuckles when you select him. However I'll think about having that game on my site.
Go to OHHLA.comor Leonie's Lyrics Page For Lyrics.
Got a Sonic Banner? I'll advertise it. Gimme the link 4 it.
Visit my favorite sites below I will also add ALOT more links in the future.
Email me if you like at eviliced@aol.com.
Please come back soon and watch me improve!!!!

You are
since the change.

Universal Links I found
EmuRater - The ultimate gaming resource.
Jason's Web Page
Soca Village
Sonic HQ - The Ultimate Sonic Source
Play Online games for free
Sonic Links page
Secrets of the Sages
Descent home page (I like this web site!)
For all you
This is TonyBrown.com
Stick Death.Need to say more?
A nice Quake patch area(Did wonders for me)
The best Quake and Quake 2 patches can be found here
A filthy site about sh$t!
© 1999 eviliced@aol.com