4:32 PM EST 3-17-00
I told you I'd come back here
eventually.... Well, I'm just here to say hi to all my fellow
fans and friends who still come here just to marvel at my glory
Wow, I've had like... 800,000
hits since I last changed my page. Well, I'm webmaster now at
clan mAc which is at macclan.netfirms.com.
Its a great clan, and join it if you're not in a clan and are
Anyway, thats about it. Bye
-Tony The Mad
9:25 PM EST 9-14-99
If you are wondering why there
is a lack of updates, it is because I'm moving up in the world!
Yes, I, TonyTheMad, am working on a REAL web page as I said below.
I probably will not have time to update this page anymore. But
don't fret! I will have a similar page over at my new page, which
isn't public yet, but it will be soon! Also, Geocities finally
got its act together and shortened the URL's! Now This page is
OK, this is Tony- signing out! (probably I will return here some
time or another!)
-Tony The Mad
11:37 AM EST 9-6-99
Wow, so much has happened recently!
Warcraft III, G4, Emerald Patch. Wow! Anyway, No real updates
now.. Not much I can do anymore. But I'll put some files up soon.
Some iMac cursors to replace the System Cursor; the iTheme which
replaces your Apple Platinum Theme. I'm also going to reorganise
my files page.. But not now. I have an english project due tomorrow,
so I'll probably work on that stuff later. Also, me and a friend
are going to start a web page on all really cool online games.
Its going to be called the Ultimate Gaming Intelligence. We're
going to have games such as Starcraft, Half-Life, Tiberian Sun,
Quake III, Diablo II, Warcraft III, stuff like that. We're going
to have our own domain name and everything! Its gonna be cool!
Ok, thats all for now.
-Tony The Mad
PM EST 8-30-99
Well, this stupid hurricane
is gone, and I've been working on my page for a while after the
power came back on. Anyway, I've finished the Terran Buildings
section, you can check it out here.
Now since I've just pretty much done everything I can do, I'll
make a StarEdit section for all of you people who want to learn
more about triggers, and all the stuff at Starhack isn't helping
you out at all. THEN - I'm going to start work on a NEW page
one day, a Diablo II Page.That'll be good for a while
-Tony The Mad
2:52 PM EST
Well, what do you think of my
new layout? I spent all day on this, and although I don't think
I'll ever become as meticulate as Snowcone, I think this is very
cool! I also added an neat little java clock below my counter.
Well, tell me what you think in my message board! I also added
a new poll so vote away!!
-Tony The Mad
9:41 AM EST 8-28-99
I'm working on the Terran Buildings
section now. If you wanna see something REALLY cool, go here.
I've kept this page a secret, mostly because I didn't think anyone
would care to come here, but its starting to look pretty neat
now! On another note, I put the Emerald Patch in my files section,
which is REALLY cool. Please note, it only works with Brood War.
-Tony The Mad
8:26 PM EST 8-23-99
Well, I am finally able to update
again. Thank you for bearing with me in my time of........ slackiness.
=P I've been really busy because of school starting August the
9th. We are one of the earliest in the nation. Well I made my
Protoss Buildings section now, go check it out here.
I've also been busy with the Emerald Patch and stuff, playing
with things like that. I'll put that in my files section as soon
as I can.
-Tony The Mad
8:45 PM EST 8-15-99
Well, I finally got a Battle
Report to put in my Battle Reports section! YAY! It was submitted
by a friend of mine, and you can go check out his report here. I'm also starting the Protoss Buildings
section, and I'll let you know when that's done.
-Tony The Mad
e-mail me your comments at TonyTheMad@ugi.fsgs.com |