David's Super Smash Brothers Page
Hello my name is David and this is my web site. If you would could you sign in to my guest list I would appreciate it greatly. This is new to me and if you have any suggestions E-mail me at
turtle_king_99@yahoo.comAs you have keenly observed this is a web site devoted to the N64 game Super Smash Bros. This in my mind is the best game made for N64 yet, with the exception of Zelda 64, Ocarina of time.
Here is a Index of all of the characters, there moves, there battle areanas, and the secret charahters and how to get them. Ther is also a page on all of the items. And please sign into my guest book.
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http://www.geocities.com/turtle_king_99/items.html These are the items
http://www.geocities.com/turtle_king_99/ness.html This is Ness the hidden charachter
http://www.geocities.com/turtle_king_99/samus.html This is a site for samus