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Welcome. I am the one called Mewtwo. This
is my World of Pokemon...
12/27 99
Long Story Coming... A Couple Of Months Ago... My computer's primary hard drive failed. The repair of it was delayed for quite some time. And right when we were going to take it in to the shop, we moved. Then a month later it was fixed. I couldn't get the modem working so I couldn't update the site. On Christmas I got a new computer and got connected to the internet just yesterday. I finally got my very old and "ancient" backed up files from my old computer to my new one. Turns out I can't find my site pages or any of my Pokemon stuff. So that means updates will cease again for the most part until I find those files. But once thy're found expect a chat room, a completed pokedex, Pokemon: The Movie information, more T.V. Show info, much more card game info, and more!
99: Update #2
I finished
1-50 in the Pokedex section and majorly updated the
Characters section with some T.V. Show stuff.
99: Update #1
Oops.. It's been a while since I last updated. Well
anyways I finally got over 1,000 hits!!! Plus I've added
some links to the links page. Also about the new site I'm
pretty sure I'm just going to stick with this site!
Here's what you can look for at this site sometime in the
near future: A Completed Pokedex, Possibly A New
Look, More Links, A Better Images Page, More Info on the
Games themselves and the upcoming ones like Pokemon
Stadium (AND PokeS2) and Pokemon Snap and Pokemon Pinball
and the Silver,Gold and Yellow Versions, maybe some super
Smash brothers Info, if the site gets popular enough a
nice big voting section, a chat room, and more!!!
99: Update
kidding! April fools! The site will stay open well kind
of but I may make a new site with a more
"enlightened" feel and mood to it. I'm thinking
of calling it one of these names: Pokemon
Center/PokeCenter, Celadon City, or Victory Road. E-Mail
Me and tell me what you think. Also just as a not I'll
keep news on this page for a month's worth of news and
updates but if I start updating more it may turn out only
a week's worth of keeping up.
99: Update
I'm sorry
to say this site will be closing by the end of tommorrow
because of insufficient time and accessibility to update.
99: Update #2
added. More stats, etc. coming soon!
99: Update #1
My Deck
removed because of constant reconstruction and change
because of trading, buying, and selling every day.
I have updated the Awards Page!
99: Update
Pokemon Poll Added.
Main Page Text Updated.
Elite Top 50 and Dragonite's Top 50 Removed.
99: Update
Board added.
My Deck Updated.
is the biggest thing to hit the world since one of the
games that started it all, Super Mario. And wouldn't you
know it the master behind Mario and Zelda is also behind
this craze too! Yes Shigeru Miyamoto has done it again.
He started with a Game Boy Game split in to versions Red
and Blue and soon had a Pokemon T.V. Show, 3 other
versions of the game in Japan, a new version also coming
to the U.S., 2 planned N64 games, a Trading Card Game, a
Small Pinball game for the Game Boy, a Short Mini-Series
Magazine, Toys, and much more!!! Well anyways Pokemon are
little creature you must find, battle, capture, collect,
trade, train, fight, and more with!With 150 types and
more to be made and found the game has been a big hit! To
learn more and the more detailed secrets, cheats, tips,
and more peek around this site!
Use the
navigational bar on the left to get around!
Take my
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