Welcome you are visitor #
Since March 16, 1999. First of all you should
sign my guest book(PLEEEAAAASSE!). I have tips and walkthroughs for games in the Tips For Games page. Make sure you check out the webrings that I'm in incase you want to join one of them. I have tons of pictures and screen shots from various games for you to look at,and I don't mind if you take a few(If you have your own web site). If you have any questions or comments E-mail Me. If you would like me to make a link to your web page (or site) just e-mail me telling me you URL and title. Or you can scroll down and Play TIC TAC TOE. You can also Vote on one of my polls, or check out my links. If you want news on the Gamecube visit my other website, Almost VR.
Well, I would just like to announce that this site has finally reached it's 6-year annaversary (I know, it's amazing). My next announcement is that I have pretty much given up on this site. It's been about a year since I updated anything on here. I am focusing on my Martial Arts Site which is also where I host my animations (go check them out I think you'll like 'em). I am focusing on martial arts and animation now because that is what I do with most of my time now instead of games (I never thought I would say that). I still play video games but not as often as I used to before college. Humberto, I'm sorry it took me so long but I added a link to your site in the links section.