Taming pics, Namor, 5/6/01
Well you should be pretty happy now, cause I finally finished the taming pics and added lil` descriptions under each one. Go check it out now, and GM yourself a tamer (heh).
Well I got on UO Uglyvision (third dawn) and I must say. I like it no spawn campers no greifers nobody and great spawns. It's good OSI actually did something right for once, cept for the part where they made it only 3d accessible(well I guess that is good cause it makes tons of people stay out of there). I went and tamed my first ki-rin, it was pretty easy. I may put up pics on how to do that. it was pretty easy, once you get to where they spawn there is nothing around to bother you. Mares are also 20 times easier to tame in third dawn. Once again no spawn around ya(cept for mare) people cant mess with ya like in felucca and nobody competing to tame it.
I spent 2 hours yesterday taming trying to get gains I lost in a server downtime(they took me 15 minutes to get the first time). Spent 2 hours again today taming (which was worth it. I got .4) so now I am up to 98.2 taming, and pretty mad about how OSI plans to nerf taming, bards, mages, and LJing. All of which I play, what part of "NEWBIES WHINING" doesnt OSI understand? I mean jeez cause a few newbies whine cause some ass(its the person not the profession) makes their day bad they get what they want. Which is why trammel is here, cause of whining newbies that want everything to be easy. I just hope they dont make the skill easier to gain in. Personally I hope they make it harder(and no its not cause by the time they do I'll be GM cause I have another tamer at like 60 skill). I just hope they dont mess with how you gain in taming but how much skill it takes to control a dragon, but knowing OSI they will mess it up.
Well thats all I got for now.
mares..., Namor, 4/24/01
Well I went out taming mares yesterday, and I tamed my first mare. I am pretty happy about it, especially cause some noobie tried to PK me while I was running from a mare. Needless to say he took a dirtnap and then I laughed at him pretty hard. And it wasnt like I expected it cause he hadnt gone red yet. got to 96.4 taming and am pretty happy about that.
Well back to the taming pics. I did take the pics but my dads monitor broke and him having to have a computer took mine. So now I am on a miscolored 15 in peice of junk, and my PSP trial ran out. Once I crop the pics I'll have them up in no time.
An idea came to my attention from the UO Stratics Taming forum. A deceased pet tribute, basically anyone who has had a deceased pet lets me know about it and I add it to the page. I figure it will give me some real updating to do and make some people happy. Two birds with one stone.
taming pics....coming soon..........or not, Namor, 4/24/01
Well I did reach my goal of 94.7 taming yesterday and I went out and tame my first dragon in 10 minutes (woot woot).
After that I took my dragon out for a lil bit of training first I went to elder gazers but it was kinda camped so I figured I would do something new to me(I dont hunt much) and I worked my way down to blood elementals. They were pretty easy, actually easier than anywhere I have hunted before. I even got a large battle axe of gargoyle's foe.
Hopefully today I can get some more taming gains for some reason I was gaining great yesterday. Hopefully Ill be able to attempt mares by the end of today. As I hunt today I plan on taking some pics (amazing isnt it) unless I forget which I most likely will and if I do I will just lie and say I didnt go taming even though I really did and just say I will take them tomorrow. And yes as you may have guessed this process never really ends, it goes on and on. So I most likely will update if I get the pics later on but if not I wont do jack and then I'll blame it all on my dog, cause I can.