![]() 5/22/04 Yeah so I haven't updated in awhile. Maybe it has something to do with a lack of content *cough*. UF's course choices suck: its either linear algebra or applied combinatorics for math next semester. The latter will be standable, but the former would probably teach why use matrix transforms in 3d programming and blah blah blah boring, I guess, but I was really hoping to take complex analysis. Started realizing the flight sim, nothing big but maybe it will be amusing to play for a few minutes when it's done. On that note, anyone know anything about sending/receiving packets in C++? You know how to contact me. Oh, and um here's a screenie (without any 3d models, that will come in a few days).
12/25/03-Not much time to update. It's about midnight. Just FINISHED the math on my program so I am stoked. It turned out absolutely beautiful. New pic of the program : ![]() 11/15/03-Life, life, life. So I've been sidetracked a lot between MAO and whatever else I do; The only thing I know is my time amount fell off the lofty precipice of plentiful a long time ago. Worked on the project a little bit because the background sucked as well as did the collision detection. I'm not wont to do this but I'll mention something about that ubiquitous college application process ::dun dun dun::. Finished my UF and GaTech apps awhile ago. I don't really care about either of those schools because there's no way I could get rejected from either. Besides that I've heard a lot of negative talk out of GT's camp as to the quality of students/faculty. The MIT app? Laugh. The only thing I can say is that if they don't accept me, random stabbings will occur. Oh and BTW, new pic of the program : ![]() 10/14/03-Holy updates, Batman! This site, despite lacking content as a whole, is deprived of a links page and I guess I never noticed it. But this is no longer the case, and as of a few hours from when I wrote this, the links page will be up in all of its http splendor. So my hatred for humanity grows after a propaganda-influenced private in the military tried to convince me the Middle East doesn't hate us. I smell an ironic death by suicide bombing. Anyway, I met this guy named Jeremy Hicks today. He's ok to talk to, I guess - A little eccentric though. I can tell you one thing though: that bitch sure can cut a tree. 9/27/03-Felt like redoing the site again. the only page I've updated in awhile is my life just because it's full of rage. Stupid people give me lots to write about, and since the stupidity of people is endless, so is the number of potential writing topics. 6/25/03-I'm pretty bored but I recently rediscovered a cool site called www.try2hack.nl at which the basic point is to find the password in various situations from the simple to the really complex. In any case I decided to add my own spinoff but wont be as high tech because I don't have direct access to geocities' servers. See new section 'H4x0r This'. 6/18/03-It's been awhile. I no longer feel the page is just about programming so the title reflects that. Pardon the graininess as I only use legit software and Adobe Illustrator is the only software I have a license for. Programming isn't everything so I am going to attempt to keep a journal of sorts of some arbitrary things that happen in my life along with some things I observe that should be addressed. Needless to say I will be complaining a lot either way. Nobody wants to hear about good things. Since it is summer I hope I can update the page and keep my promise unlike two years ago (which was the last time I updated the page). I also added another new page Highlighting my ongoing project to produce a quality 3d engine using OpenGL which will be continuously updated as it changes. 6/15/02-Skewl's finally out and that means I can pick up on the page again. The page is updated and I hope to finish the basics of Qbasic programming tutorial this week. Waterfall has been updated with a PALETTE altering piece of code, and I made one of the best 3d land makers ever seen, along with a spiffy fireworks demo. Also recompiled the Qbasic 4.5 library and added a bunch of math features to it. Its worth a download. BTW Future Software is down because too many ppl came to it so I guess we can hope they decide and get a better hosting package or they are out till the end of the month... 1/4/01-Cheers, made another improvement to item maker, its now actually a useful program! I probably wont update the page for awhile after this though, not too much to update =P. BTW I promise ill finish up most of the tutorial soon, I actually have people that are yelling at me to finish! 1/01/01-Happy New Years everybody ,.-*`*-.,.-*`*-.,.-*`*-.,.-*`*-. Its the new millenium finally but nobody who thought it was already the millenium will admit that there was no year 0 therefore this is the new millenium starting today. I added more files, and am asking BatmanBond3D if i can post his supercool 3D demo, its a real must see. Changed the layout of the Qbasic section a little, and added more to the tutorials, it now covers through the LOCATE statement 12/27/00-Notice something different? Yep I spent all morning rennovating the site to make it look a little less newbie-ish. Joined Qbasic Top 50 also and im 39 =), and put the site on Geocities's member pages. Stay tuned for new files, I just got some but I'm beat from spending 5 hours coding tedious html =) 12/26/00-Finally completed the first chapter of my Qbasic tutorials, which is probably going to be uploaded later today. I need files! My files are pretty good but its a lot cooler if other people send files so I can post them. I told you I'd step up the page now its getting 10+ hits a day, which is pretty good because before that I was getting 10 hits a month. As soon as I get around to it, ill update Vrpg (which is now huge and more efficient). Its not really mine but Guy sed I could mess with the source code. (Added on later) Ok, heres the tutorials page, just click|here|. 12/17/00 - Ok, now I got mad skillz in the Qbasic, html and C++ department, I'm going to step up this page, im trying to get it famous so more people than just my friends come to it. I added an updated version of Text Box maker called Item maker, which I intend to eventually run in SCREEN mode X, also new is the Sine-Cosine-Tangent graphical analysis which has already been updated a few times. This page will now be updated once a week due to increased activity (in other words all my programming dudes are bringing files into my page) 8/15/00 - I got the date screwed up yesterday (I'm not sure what day it is, I'm just making up dates its summer, don't get on my case) so whatever. Anwyways, i added 6 downloadable programs and (if you know how) you can view their source code directly from the net, it makes it a little easier that way. 8/14/00 - Well, i finally realized that yahoo page builder was a piece of crap only meant for newbs to the net, so I went out and got a book yesterday to learn html, and look at my spiffy page now. Since finding good tutorials on the net for html and other languages is so hard, i'm currently working on some for qbasic and html, my two fav languages. |