Sam's Music - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -THE METAL ZONE!
||| Main ||| Guitars ||| Contact ||| *** 2001 ***
I play guitar, and I'm not in a band... I'm currently lookin for a drummer... All the crap on this site is kinda old and was recorded when I sucked... Well I still suck im just a little better I guess. The newest recording is the one on the bottom of the list *Paranoid*. If you don't live in Georgia and you just wanna jam, we can jam over the internet on AIM. My screen name is cockersam.

New Stuff* --->

Fade to Black , Metallica

Seek and Destroy , Metallica

Seek and Destroy , Metallica

Blues Jam . Basic Blues Jam

Paranoid , Black Sabbath * - No Solo

Paranoid , Black Sabbath * - Solo

Beavis and Butt-Head Theme *

One Last Breath - Creed

Seek and Destroy , Metallica

Email: , ICQ: 4039630 , AIM: cockersam, MSN:, Yahoo: ssutherin