By: Shokoku Phoenix
~WARNING - Although this site contains some strong/heavy language, some objectionable materials, and moderate violence, no overtly sexual and absolutely NO 'hentai-type' material is found on this site. Also, if any images (and yes, there are a lot of em here!) appear as a little red 'x', please right click and select 'Show Picture'. This almost ALWAYS fixes it here on this site!~
Project Phoenix Flame was the secret files of Shinra Incorporated, discovered after the destruction of Midgar by a homeless man who was looking for anything of value that he could salvage in the burned out shell that was the Shinra Headquarters building. Long after the memories of Meteor and the heroics of Cloud and his brave friends had passed into legend, before his death, the man decided that the files were useless to him, and he buried them for someone to find who would perhaps have some use for them. Buried in a steel strongbox for countless years, the secrets of the Shinra and the legends of the heroes were to be only very recently unearthed by a young researcher by the name of Shokoku Phoenix. She had been looking for proof that a meteor or a huge comet had very nearly crash-landed near the ruins of an old city, about three hundred years prior. She had wanted to find out why the city had been destroyed, supposedly by a meteor or a comet - if there was no sign of an impact crater. There, in the old ruins of Midgar, she discovered the box containing the secrets of the city, the secrets of the Shinra, and the secrets of the people and their technology.
"To prevent their history from being lost, I, Shokoku Phoenix, posted the hidden files of the Shinra on the Internet. I want you all to know the dark secrets of Shinra and the people whos lives were forever changed by its influence. A surprisingly large amount of information was kept by the Shinra, and almost all of the files were kept in very pristine conditions, so much so that even the fine quality pictures of many the subjects have survived intact. I hope that we can all learn from and remember the people who's names and images are found among these files - people whos' brave and honorable lives should be forever remembered by us all."
- Shokoku Phoenix
The Secret Subject files of Shinra Inc. - (Listed as 'Final Fantasy VII')
(NOTE: Remember these are Shinra's files. Information that you know and the information that Shinra knows are very different.)
7. (Limited Information Available)
C. Cait Sith
The Secret Files of Professor Hojo, PhD, M.D.
NOTE: These are the personal files of Professor Hojo, and were never meant to be read by anyone but him.
1. Sephiroth
Ancient Final Fantasy VII Map of the World
The Picture Files of Shinra Inc's. Excecutives/Employees
The Legends of 'Final Fantasy VII'
1. Dark Phoenix
(More are in the works, so please be patient. Thanks!)
"A most unusual find was also found among these files. The existence of a near-forgotten art form known as 'Chibi' has been rediscovered! Almost all of the people listed in the above files.. and even some that was not listed have been captured in this form! (I somehow just know that this find alone will be enough to persuade the stingy Research Department to continue or even ::gasp:: raise my fundings for another 2 years! Booyah!!)"
The rare 'Chibi' files of FF VII
(click the name to see the file)
Main Characters
Vincent Valentine * Cid Highwind * Cloud Strife * Sephiroth * Tifa Lockheart * Aeris Gainesborough
Secondary Characters
President Rufus Shinra * Scarlett * General Heidegger * Professor Hojo * Reeve
The Turks
The 'Ehrgeiz' Editions
Vincent Valentine as a Turk * Tifa Lockheart in her Cowboy Outfit * Sephiroth without a Shirt * Zack
(For the sheer hell of it, I tried 'Chibi-fying' myself! Hee hee!! Here are... my results!!)
~*Part Two - PoKemon*~
"It is odd, but it appears that either two file folders got mixed up or creatures named 'PoKemon' actually did exist alongside the people of 'Final Fantasy 7'. But they do not exist anymore in our time, and nor have I ever found a PoKemon fossil. Fairly detailed files on a few PoKemon still exist, so I have posted them here for you. Enjoy!"
~*Part Three - >CLASSIFIED<*~
"Ok. I realize that there is sort of a legend that goes along with my name, Shokoku Phoenix. To check that out, and to find out what a Shokoku Phoenix is, click on the 'Legend' hyperlink. I also have a page on my other pets, which not surprizingly, are birds. My personal art gallery, Galleria De Shokoku, is a file devoted to some of my best artworks. (Check out the Galleria from time to time for updates!) My personal information file is just below that.. just in case any of you ever wanted to know what I'm really like! =) "
The Legend of the Shokoku Phoenix
Shokoku's other Fine-Feathered Friends
"On any of my pages, when you see the little Phoenix at the bottom of the page, be sure to click on it or just hit 'Back' on your web browser to return to this main page. (Duh.. =) And... just in case, if any of you ever get an uncontrollable urge to talk to me, ask me about cheeseballs, or to write me mail (flame, gossip, or otherwise ^-' ) my email link is right here... and for all of you AIM users, my screen name's 'Shokoku Phoenix' (BIG surprize here.). Feel free to talk to me anytime! I hope that all of you have just seen something new or cool here, so that you can walk away and happily say that you didn't just waste a whole buttload of your time at this site!!"
Email Shokoku Phoenix
'PROJECT - Phoenix Flame', has been
brought to you by:
REVERSE EVOLUTION PRODUCTIONS - By the people who have de-evolved into apes!!
Final Fantasy 7, Cloud, Sephiroth, and other characters and indicia are solely copyrighted by Squaresoft Inc., 1997. Nothing on this site may be used for profit.
~^ PROJECT- Phoenix Flame - 1999 ^~