Hey ~welcome to our new upgraded Home page, Have a great time and enjoy the page~

Hey, look!!! our web site has been updated, are you surprize or what...anyway, enjoy~~~

This page is NOT for netscape user. since NETSCAPE can't read java and class files

Holly told me to put her face on this weird looking monkey...I don't know why

Hey ya'll~David and Holly's here,welcome to our awesome web site, first we want to said thank you for coming and check us out. We hope you enjoy our page....this page is made for those who don't have a life...so if you have one.....get lost~~you're not welcome (P.S. don't drink and drive)

Today(October 8,2001),at last.we have updated our website...(the last time we have a update was....the day we made it~that was like a year ago) sorry to keep y'all waitting for all this time, we know our site's funny and we have 605 hits so far. so wait no more and check out our new page

We had uploaded two new area, one called the "pictures site",if you are lucky enough you might get to see your picture/s in it,we'll update this area alot~~And the other one is a message board, it's so cool there,you can like chat with your friends, send up some cool website or pictures on it....it's like a e-mail for the whole family!!!so remember to sign something in there!

We also have a coming soon area call the song area...they are going to be some song I edit with some friends of mine, y this area is still close you ask? that's because I need somebody to sing with me otherwise it doesn't sound good(yes...it require download,but won't have virus)!!!

Picture of the year

::The award page

::learn a new word

::Chat Room

::Take our test~

::Game(like 60 years ago)

::About us

::Quotes page

::Picture site

::download our game

::Edit song-flavor of the week.BY David and RJ ODell

::Thing that we like/hate

::funny thing that happen

::message board

::more stuff coming soon

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