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Surfing the web for money has revolutionized the industry. You simply either download a browser, or an ad bar and leave it open while surfing. The best part is that you get PAID up to $1.00 an hour just to do the above. You are also paid for the number of friends you sign up. Here are some links to different companies to begin your money making today:
This is good they paid u by points and get paid to surfs or just to read their email. If you the sign up for its, you can start to make money right away, it's the best!!! they pay $.50 to $1 an hour and rising.... JOIN NOW!!!!!!!!!!
Epipo.com pay u $0.60 an hour and more for telling your friends to join. THIS GREAT THEY STARTED AND NOW WHEN YOU JOIN YOU CAN DOWNLOAD THE ADBANNER AND START TO ERAN CASH RIGHT AWAY!!!!