My Very Own Home Page

Welcome to my very own home page. My name is Petter Rimestad, but when im with my freinds and when im online im called DJ Weirdo, Nagash, Nagash_T_G or INN. I also used to be called Vlad_V_C or Vlad ,so you might meet me before. If you have...COOL!If bad.


Here i'll post some news every once in a hvile about my site or something other important news:

January 17. 2000: hi there, im going to do some stuff on my page today, i don't have much time for my site anymore becouse im busy making programs and stuff. I resently got C++ and visual basic. But anyway...just keep one coming back, there might be free games from me to you here when you come back.

Janurary 23. 2000: Hey was up. It's now a week since i became a wiccen, and i already pulled of a spell. I guess im a natural, but teh site isen't too updated anyway....but i am working on that too.

This are some things you will find here after a while:

Im still working on the site so bookmark it and come back every week or so to see lots of cool stuff.