<BGSOUND SRC="/henryheart/give_Thanks2.mid">
Hello Everybody! I am Henry.
I've just updated "About me" and "My Album".
I haven't updated this web page since 2000 because I started college. Going college to me is the biggest event and i've been so busy since then.

Any body who would like to see the old news (there aren't many) can go to the old news section.

I am trying to make a Japanese Lesson in here since I am still studying Japanese so people can share there experience of learning Japanese.

I will make a page for my work out stats and all things about it.

Super busy....
Hope you have a wonderful time in Wonder world....
You need Java to see this applet.
Japanese Preview Page!!
remember to blush your teeth before going to bed...
wish you all have an exciting life...
christmas is coming...