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Hello and welcome on the DBZ Endless Legends website. Here you will get all the information you need and most of your questions should be answered. Check the site often, because i will be making a lot of changes to many things: eg. adding moves, changing transformation stats, changing rules, adding characters etc. I will post here below, on the news section what has been updated when it is.


03.04.2002: Sorry people, no updates yesterday or today. Soon i will be taking off the old bios and other RPG Character related stuff, and opening everything to get filled again, with hopefully enthusiastic RPGers. The Info section of the site is nearing completion, and will probably be up in about a month (yes that's soon). That section will include info on all aspects of DB/Z/GT including downloads like games, movies, episodes and clips. Other services will also be available soon.

The issue with the other RPG has been resolved (hopefully) and i am looking forward to a good partnership with it soon.

That's all for now, good night yall.

by le_gamemaster

01.04.2002: O MY GOD! I managed to get back online! It`'s a mirracle! O well, now that i am here i shall revive the RPG once again! Since i know all members have left me, i will start from scratch. I will need new members and people that help me run the RPG. Anyone applying for any position mail me at .

New members will probably take a while to get, but that's not really a worry. This RPG is good, and i am sure that i will find people that would like to join it. Any of the old members are welcome to re-join or keep their characters... but i don't think anyone will do that.

Btw, i have been introduced to a new rpg, which seemingly took a lot off here: their moves page layout and moves are off here, their powerups are partly off here and other things. Ofcource they changed a few things around, but it's clear that they got most things off here. I'll try and have a word with the people running it, so lets c what happens.

The promotors are halfway gone, since the site has been down for ages, but i'll sort that out too in the next few days. Cu all, and i wish you a happy easter!!!

by le_gamemaster

21.10.2001: Updated the PL's of the people as well as i added Kurai and Vehiko to the charlist.

by le_gamemaster

17.10.2001: Sigh, updates at last! The char database has been updated with the new PL's and pictures, as well as i have posted the link to the chatroom on the left. I will be adding a page for NPC's of characters.

by le_gamemaster

7.10.2001: Sorry that i didn't update for so long, but my monitor burnt out, so i couldn't come online. Anyway, now there are a few good updates.

I have updated the Kienzan move, so everyone who has it better check it out. I have also added the Rapid Death Missile Barrage to the moves that have to be learned. Also added the Homing Kienzan to the moves that Frieza can teach.

I updated Kivan's picture and Reikon's powerups, as well as i have added a new poll.

Updated a little bit on the joining form and have answered quite a few joining requests.

by le_gamemaster

29.09.2001: Allright, a few new things. 1. The promotion is going on quite well, but i need to finish the DB/Z/GT part of the site soon so i can join the DB Top 50 and the DBZ Top 100. Talking about that, it's going on quite well. I am almsot finished with the downloading section, which includes all DBZ Movies, tons of clips, music, games (inclulding BFP and Quake 3 if you need it). I need someone to write up the info on the Sagas in DB/DBZ/DBGT cause i won't have time to write em all.

Next, If anyone wants to do it, i would really appriciate it. Furthermore, if anyone can make a 88x31 logo that fits to our site i will be very thankfull as well. More news may come later.

Quick News: Well, i will upload the alpha version of the main page tomorrow. The site will be great. It will have quite a lot of services too: A serach engine, just for our site, a private chat room for our visitors, a message board (the one we use now) as well as a free e-mail service, a guestbook, a FAQ, and tons more. This will be great when it's finished.

And not to forget, there are NEW ITEMS on the items list.

by le_gamemaster

28.09.2001: Well, I made a webring for DBZ RPG's. The navigation bar is at the bottom. I will try to get other RPG onwers to join it. I would really appriciate it if you guys did that too. O yeah, Kivan sent me a picture of his character which i will post up now as well. Also, if Raijin does not do anything untill this Sunday, he is out of the RPG. The Info part of the site is on halt at the moment since i'm having some trouble with my FrontPage as well as with school. I also added a new trainer to the trainers page, Tsurusennin as well as i have edited a few trainers. I also changed the colours of the site links. All on the main page that is, the rest is the same. Now unvisited links are a nice shade of blue, whereas visited links are red. I hope you like it.

Quick News: Well, i have started a mass promotion, which can be seen at the bottom of the page. I hope it helps. And... i may be moving the site soon, to a server without any stupid ads and without the idiotic picture problems.

by le_gamemaster

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