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The Jersey Devil covers as well as pin-ups and sketches.  Pencils and inks by Ken Haeser unless otherwise noted



The Jersey Devil is a comic created and written  by  Tony DiGerolamo and published by South Jersey Rebellion Productions.


Ken Haeser and Peter A. Deluca were the art team on the Jersey Devil for issue #11 and 12.  To visit the NSArt web page and see more of our artwork click the link below.



Ken, Tabi, Sophie, Pete, and Tony with Brian from Kenzer and Company. At a Comic Book convention in Wildwood, NJ

The Golden Eagle Comic Con I held on September 29th & 30th at Renninger's Antique & Collectibles Extravaganza at Kutztown, Pa.  The show featured guests Dan Atkins, Jack Keller, Chris Hinz, Pete Deluca, and Ken Haeser.



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Colored panel from JD #12







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Colored page from JD #12




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The Pages from the Jersey Devil number 12







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The pages from the Jersey Devil number 11





Character sheets and designs.


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Jersey Devil Submission pages and the winning pin-up that appeared un the Jersey Devil #6


The Jersey Devil and all related characters are ™ & COPYRIGHT © Tony DiGerolamo and South Jersey Rebellion Productions.