Save America, it's up to us.

Part 1

Part 2
How 1 How 2

How 3
How 4

Part 3
Who's Fighting Back (Links)
Rogue Israel
Save Palestine

Ask Yourself These Questions

  • Why you have no Constitutional Rights in any court?
  • Why credit card interest is so high?
  • Why the Federal Reserve Bank has the name it has?
  • Why we go to war without needing Congress to declair war?
  • Why the United Nations has a One World Government agenda?
  • Why the Council of Foreign Relations is almost unheard of?
  • Why people are getting sick at earlier ages?
  • Why our military bases are being shut down here at home and around the world?
  • Why television news is 99% negative everyday?
  • Why we have racial tension in the United States?
  • Why does the United States out-source so many jobs?
  • Why hate laws are being pushed on the United States as they have in other countries?
  • What is the real reason for the Patriot Act?
  • Why Christmas cards and trees are now called Holiday cards and trees?
  • Why - The Ten Commandments - can't be displayed in public places?
  • Why did the United States go to war in Afghanistan?
  • Why our Constitution and Bill of Rights are being eroded?
  • Why our paper money has a new look, large portraits, and new color?
  • Why we have anti-gun laws to disarm the law-abiding citizens, while leaving the criminals alone?
  • Why Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg, Brown and Root had been awarded a $385 million dollar contract by Homeland Security to construct detention and processing facilities in the event of a national emergency?
  • What religion our country was founded under? Was it Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, Hinduism?

Contact your U.S. Congressman and Senators, tell them to get out of NAFTA, CAFTA, and others. And put AMERICA FIRST on all fronts.

There has to be some decency and backbone left somewhere.

Find your representative at

Find your state government at State

I'm sure there are many more questions that could be asked. Buy this time I hope I have captured your interest. The last question is the most important, the answer will explain the others with a little research.

Now, this is not about being a Democrat or Republican, but the government as a whole over many generations. History, whether known or unknown, shaped America into what it is today. Over the past ten years so much information has become available through books and the Internet. Through this newly found information we realize that we were deceived by the history we were taught. This website explores that unknown history that shaped America and the world. This website gives you enough information to begin your own research. Analyze the information then make up your own mind. Knowledge is power, that's why we are kept in the dark by all the media.

If you have a bible, Catholic, King James, Torah, use the Old Testament, you will find it useful as a reference in your research. You will find the information astounding, shocking, and if you're like me, maddening.

Start with part 1, Goal.

Information Disclaimer
The information provided using this web site is only intended to be general summary information to the public. It is not intended to take the place of either the written law or regulations.

On this website any reference to Israel means the Zionist State of Israel.
Any reference to the word Jew or Jewish means Zionist Jews not World Jewry as a whole.