Niteshift's Half-Life Page!

Half-Life Stuff.


Favorite Links.


Message Board.

TFC Stuff

Welcome to Niteshift's Half-Life site.This sight is dedicated to Half-life. I plan to add some useful downloads and some useful information. Quake II was the first F.P.S. I had played since Doom 2. Half-Life is the best F.P.S. I have played yet! At this site you will find such things as new cross hairs and some really cool skins. I also have alternative Logos. So look around and pick your poison!!


I also have screen shots on other pages. If you have a kick ass screen shot you would like added just send it to me in an E-mail.
The different Mods.
Which Mod. is your favorite?

Soul Reaper.
Cold Ice.
Team Fortress Classic.
Action Half-Life.
Counter Strike.




Got Comments or Suggestions???? Let me know.



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Cox Computing.