Welcome to my cyberpunk page. It is a little rusty, but in time I will have great stuff like cyberware, bioware, equipment, and an entire link dealing with exotics.

So be patient with me, and always remember, we're watching you.

In the last few months that I have become really interested in cyberpunk, I have began to realize how much it resembles our current world. For example, did you know that scientists have already found a way to make metal limbs that function like normal ones. The only thing that they are haveing problems with is connecting them to the central nervous system. So don't start saving your money towards a metal arm with a hydraulic ram and wolvers. It probably won't happen anytime within the next five years, and even if it did you wouldn't be getting anything beyond a basic arm.

I have also noticed the change in weather, which is probably brought on by the global warming effects. If you think about it, it is kind of like the cyberpunk universe. Granted that it's not as messed up, but it seems that it is getting there. Rather slowly, but it is still happening.

I really enjoy the cyberpunk game, it is very entertaining, and it really makes you feel like your living that nightmare. Which is pretty cool, and long as it is just a game, but if you don't want it to become a reallity than we better do something about this planet.

So keep causing that cyberpunk mayhem that the game is famous for, because I know I will. Thanks for visiting my site, and feel free to come back anytime.

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I would like to thank Christian Knutsson for taking the time to create a title banner for me. Thanks a lot Christian, your art work is beautiful.
I would also strongly encourage everyone to check out his website it is one of the best around.

If you have any questions for him feel free to him.

Copyright 1990, 1991, 1993 by R..Talsorian Games, Inc. CyberPunk is a trademark of R. Talsorian Games Inc., All Rights Reserved under the Universal Copyright Conventions. All situations, incidents & people herein are fictional. Any similarities portrayed herein without satiric intent are strictly coincidental.