summer's here, and i will be a jedi. oh yes.
actually, i'm thinking i should do way more art than last summer, although i don't know whether i'll beat the two years ago scribbling binge. still finding my feet then, i drew a lot of crap. now it's less crappy, so more of it won't be a bad thing, will it? ^_^
i would just now like to autofellate somewhat by pointing out to the lovely graphics i have made for this page, since the mixture of graphics, drawings and code (i like making pretty backgrounds -- check my livejournal) are absolutely and totally my creation. this is another work of my art you're looking at, of which i am probably too proud. god forbid i ever find a way to turn this into a job.
anyway, please check out my art. i like to show you beautiful people my beautiful things.
lots of love, hugs and kisses, hits and misses, thanks and praises, and every complement in the world. j