Please note That this space is still under HEAVY construction and the Star craft link is not up yet... Also Final Fantasy 3, 4, 6 & 7 etc. is not up either... the links that are up are barely worth looking at.. But what the hell at least they're there. |
If you have any concerns (I don't know why you would) but if you do you can E-mail me |
here. |
Welcome to the Cleft of Dimension, The void of nothingness that was sealed 1000 years ago. For ten centuries this place has been un-seen. only now 1000 years later, am I released and, over the past millenium, sealed in the Cleft of Dimension, I have collected a vast sea of knowledge on many different topics. Please allow me do demonstrate my skills. Select a path. |
then there's also my hail project i made for my geography class... Mr Holla is my geography teacher (bet you never had ur name on the net b4 huh?) and he's really mean!!!! (kidding, he's a good teacher... sometimes) anyway... here's my hail storm project if you really care to see it. (fraser you don't have a choise im gonna make you see it tomorow 2nd last day in dec) |
Square Soft |
Makers of the Final Fantasy series. These guys are the absolute BEST when it comes to RPGs. If you are to go to any other site in the Cleft, Make it this one... You won't be dissapointed. |
hail storm here. |
Blizzard Entertainment |
Creators of the infamous Star Craft and Brood War. While these are not RPGs they are almost as good. A definate must for those with a PC. |
(Sorry about the picture right now all I have access to is the MSPaint program... I'll fix it A.S.A.P-- I promise!) |
These Links do not go diectly to the homepages of either of the companies above. If you wish to do that, please click on the pictures of their best selling titles(Star Craft ad Final Fantasy 7). Nor am I in any way realated to these companies (Aside from loving their games, of couse!) |