Sunday, June 6th, 2004
My obsessive compulsive behaviors may have for once paid off. Logging practically everything I did on the internet from 1998 onward seemed rather silly at the time, but now, eight years after 'Bobafett 207' first appeared on the Nintendo Loudhouse forums, it provides an interesting look back. Between Nintendo, the Mana Knights, Midnight Dawn, and Final Fantasy Gurus, this history probably encompasses thousands in some small way or another. A lot of the content here in is missing, as the RPGA was partitioned over three accounts and only two still exist. Regardless, there should be plenty of material for your amusement... in a Something Awful Link of the Day sort of way.
- Shadow

RPG Alliance (v1) (January 3rd, 1998 - February 5th, 1998)
RPG Alliance (v2) (February 5th, 1998 - December 31st, 1999)
RPG Alliance (v3) (January 1st, 2000 - August 17th, 2001)
RPG Alliance Epitaph (August 17th, 2001)
My Personal Site (1998/1999 - This takes suck to a whole new level.)
NES Knights (November 1997 - December 13th, 2000)
Mana Knights
Area 64 (February 4th, 1998 - Present)
Loudhouse 2 (August 13th, 1998 - Present)
Final Fantasy Gurus (1998 - Present)
Midnight Dawn (Summer 1997 - May 20th, 2001: Site's down at the moment.)
Midnight Dawn - Fragile Infinity (1995 - Present)
TIMELINE: (a brief history of important events):
- 1996 - November/December: I first got the internet, with a lovely 14k modem no less, and registered on Nintendo's Loudhouse forums as Bobafett 207. I was 11 at the time.
- 1997 - June/July?: Midnight Dawn began in the Loudhouse, with Midnight, Alkasetzer, DaZeldaDude, and EvilBarney, if memory serves.
- 1997 - October: I got my own computer and re-registered as Shadow4000.
- 1997 - early November: The RPG Alliance was formed, along with the RPG Knights, NES Knights, Freedom Knights, Zelda Alliance, and lord knows what else. I also enlisted in Midnight Dawn, Chapter 3.
- 1997 - Thanksgiving Day: The Loudhouse closed for good and Nintendo opened NSider.
- 1997 - December 16th (Tuesday): Midnight Dawn - Chapter 3 ended. Chapter 4 began a few weeks later.
- 1997 - December: The NES Knights site was launched.
- 1998 - January 3rd: The RPG Alliance site was opened.
- 1998 - January: I found and joined the Mana Knights, along with their interactive story, Dual.
- 1998 - January 22nd (Thursday): I started the Midnight Dawn logs. Every post from this point forward is recorded.
- 1998 - February 3rd: Mafioso initiated the legendary Nintendo Boycott, and Ssidhu launched Area 64 (initially the Nintendo Rebellion Headquarters)the following day to accommodate us.
- 1998 - February 5th: The RPGA site was remade to support the boycott.
- 1998 - April 7th (Tuesday): Midnight Dawn - Chapter 4 ended, Chapter 5 began.
- 1998 - June/July: I launched my personal site, mostly to encompass everything unrelated to the RPGA.
- 1998 - August 1st/8th: Midnight Dawn - Chapter 5 ended, Chapter 6 began.
- 1998 - August 13th: Loudhouse 2 was launched by Mafioso after the decline of Area 64. It is still active today.
- 1998 - November: I started the Loudhouse Petition to get Nintendo to revive their old forums. I actually went through with it and sent it off, but they never responded. Big surprise.
- 1998 - December 15th (Tuesday): Midnight Dawn - Chapter Z began.
- 1999 - February 19th (Friday): Midnight Dawn - Chapter 6 ended.
- 1999 - March 8th (Monday): Midnight Dawn - Chapter 7 began.
- 1999 - July 8th (Thursday): Midnight Dawn - Chapter 7 ended with the death of Midnight.
- 1999 - July 27th (Tuesday): Midnight Dawn - Chapter 8 began.
- 1999 - July 31st (Saturday): Midnight Dawn - Chapter Z faded out. Skitzofrenic made the final post, but there was no official ending.
- 1999 - November 15th (Monday): Midnight Dawn - Chapter 8 ended.
- 2000 - January 1st: I, along with Elven, launched the third version of the RPG Alliance.
- 2000 - January 15th (Saturday): Midnight Dawn - Chapter 9 began.
- 2000 - March/April: Terron recruited me for a writing job at Fierce Legends Software on their Final Fantasy 6 Prequel project. The site just happened to be hosted by Final Fantasy Gurus. I joined their forums in May, and have lived there ever since.
- 2000 - December 13th: The NES Knights got their final site update, and pretty much ended at that point.
- 2001 - May 20th: Midnight Dawn - Chapter 9 finally faded in to oblivion. Magus made the final recorded post.
- 2001 - August 17th: The RPG Alliance was officially laid to rest.
- 2001 - December: I joined the FFGurus staff to do news and random bitch work. The site became significantly more awesome, subsequently.
- 2003 - May: About this time I started my SuikoGurus project.
2003 - November 17th: SuikoGurus was completed. Thanks to Sephiroth buying Final Fantasy XI and me leaving for Basic Training, the site was never launched. It will be, eventually... hopefully...
- 2004 - February: Divine released Exit Fate.
- 2004 - May 31st: I finally kicked off my Midnight Dawn side story, Fragile Infinity. The story began to form when I was about 8 or 9 years old, and all of the events here accounted have had some sort of influence on it.
- 2004 - June: Midnight Dawn - Chapter 10 revival fails miserably.
- 2005 - January 27th: Area 64 is reopened.