----------------------------- Could anyone tell me how to get rid of these useless and ugly banners? ----------------
This page hosts the Civ II Crack and CivIIScore programs. You can download them, they are freeware!
civ2crk.zip (11203 bytes)
civscore.zip (14563 bytes)
CIV II CRACK is a cool but somehow "dirty" crack you can use to modify any savegame and erase CHEAT MODE from your game score. Therefore, if you have used the "Cheat" menu before, you can restore your score!The program can also open the "Cheat Mode" menu for you, without messing with your Civ II score...
CIV II SCORE is an utility that displays the hall fame, without the need for running Civilization.
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This page was last updated on: 19th June 1999.
HEY! Send me a mail if you use our programs,, only to tell me where you come from! It is good to know that your program has been used in Brazil or Japan or Hellas or in Mars..:)
Contact us at:
Please note that I could not read any mail sent to my previous address (dskrapar@athena.auth.gr) for
the last (many) Months, since the server was down. What is going on with Athena - Where is the sysop? -.. Anyway, please send me your mail again..:)