Katera's Korner

Welcome to my Korner of the galatic web. Please excuse the mess and construction. I'm rather new to building homes ;)

My name is actually Christine (Shhh..don't tell noone). Better known on the web as Katera Kalagain. Name of course comes from my favorite on-line multi player game of Gemstone III. I am currently a 25 trained Wizardress, soon to be a hundred I hope ;)

For those of you who have never played Gemstone, closest thing I can compare it to is an awesome round the world game of D&D. It's a great past time, which I suppose I probably spend a bit too much time doing. But I have met many wonderful friends that I wouldn't give up for the world.

For those that know me in the lands, I can't enchant yet...can't imbed. But if you ever need something charged, I'm known to have lots of sessions. Feel free to ask :) You can e-mail me at Katera2@AOL.com.

Thanks for stopping by. Please Come back soon...hopefully it will be a bit better.

Special thanks to Lord Wildlightningg. Without the help, I couldn't have gotten this far :)

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GemStone III is the most popular multiplayer online game ever created.

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