S u n R u n n e r |
Red Named Justice of Chesapeake Shard |
Before We Get Started
This page is dedicated to the character SunRunner. He is a fictictional character in the game of Ultima Online, and is played on the Chesapeake Shard. For those who play the game enjoy. For those who do not ye, may want to check the "Links" section below to learn abit more of Ultima Online and the world of Britannia. Ultima is a game and world that stretches yer imagination to it's limits. Then, tosses it in with about 100,000 other poeples. *grins* It is the most involved fantasy game I have ever become involved with and the most enjoyable. Ye begin with a character that ye may find a hard time learning to keep his/her belly full at nights. And yet may someday end up being the Mayor/King/Queen of yer own "player run town". In Ultima 75% of yer surroundings are controlled by yeself and the other players in the game. Just remember: as hard as ye work to build yerself up, there are three others working to bring ye down. But, also remember, there are just as many willing to lend support and aid.
Enjoy and be well....
SunRunner was drawn to the world of Britannia from the world of Gor. Similiar to Britannia in some ways, quite different in others. Haveing no magic in the world of Gor his main talents were that in the arts of swordplay and tactics. Both man to man and those involving large groups pited together. He is considered a Master in both and is quickly aproaching the level of Grand Master. Since arriveing in Britannia he has begun studying the arts of Magery. Thou he looks on it as a less noble art, he understands the need of it when one is surrounded with others who have mastered the skill. Most importnatly (at least to himself) he brought the Codes of the Warrior Cast of Gor with him. Thou he is a red name and called Murderer, and often attacked on sight, he chose this life out of a sense of duty and honor to those codes. Ask of those who know him and they will easily say he has more honor than most "Honorable Blue Names" about him. He attacks no one that he does not deem deserves to be attacked. His statis arrises from the simple fact that he has no problem attacking the theives, scammers, and general low life individuals who seek to ruin the game for others. No matter what name color they be at the time of his attack.
SunRunner has spent most all of his time in Britannia alone. A wanderer. A bringer of Justice for those who cannot do so themselves. And has been quite happy with the life. Until lately. He has come across a group of people that understand and hold many of thesame principles of the Codes dear to their own hearts. These are the members of the Black Dragon Clan of Dragon's Bay. And the many friends of the town that have gathered around. They have saved him many a trip to the Choas Shrine, and offered him both meal and equipment when it was most needed. He gladly calls them Brother. A term that is not given to many of his friends. But one that can only be earned. So, now he can often be found either at Falconer's Inn at Dragon's Bay, or roaming the land nearby. If your paths cross, do him the honor of at least saying "Hail" before crossing blades or spells. |
Recent News
2-4-00 SunRunner's close friend Cap'n Morgan gives up his life as a wandering pirate and joins the newly formed guild "The Britannia Oufit" as a Caporegime, third in the heirarchy system.
2-6-00 Cap'n Morgan, with the help of two other members of TBO kill the player Soldier (J-D) at a nearby house of his located by Death Dealer, a freind of the guild.
2-7-00 SunRunner joins TBO soldier under the orders of Cap'n Morgan
2-14-00 The PK (note not murderer) Mutant Hijacker (PKz) begins makeing attacks outside of the TBO guildhouse. In a cowardly attack from his doorstep in which all members of the guild were banned, Mutant Hijacker kills the TBO guildmaster. SunRunner has a freind place a personaly written challenge to MH in his home. As of this time there is no responce. A bounty has been placed for MH's head. SunRunner vows to claim it.
2-24-00 Prayers were sent to the god's to deal with the Voodoo issue
3-10-00 It appears the matter has been dealt with..no sign of Voodoo for days.
3-20-00 The desicion of splitting the World of Britannia has been given to us the inhabitants. YPCat has made the desicion to take TBO to the lands of Trammel. A sister guild will be left to the Choas of Faluccia and SunRunner has been given the honor of leading that guild. He accepted willingly.
4-1-00 The stone for the Felccca Guild has been set at the house of Ashlin Kasrell. The name set is Embrace the Chaos (E*C) SunRunner is the only member at this time.
4-20-00 TBO has formed an alliance with The Knighthood of ? (TKO) led by the Guild Master Judge. Good things are expected of this alliance.
4-25-00 TBO, standing true to their alliance with TKO, has gone to war with the guild Avalanche (AvA). It is believed that AvA is being run by VooDoo. Also, E*C allied with TKO this day.
5-1-00 TBO has decide to become a non-warring guild. Many of their members were being lost while on peaceful missions or when caugth alone in town. Since the split of Tramel and Feluuca has been delayed it has been decide to make E*C a warring guild. Both Moon Dancer and Ronin III have switched to the warring guild. In addition other members of TBO are creating members to join in E*C. The guild T*C has joined forces with AvA in the present war.
5-10-00 War was declaired on AvA. As of yet no responce has been recieved. |
Links |
The Black Dragon Clan of Dragon's Bay ~under leadership of Exedore of Arden |
Ultima Online's Stratics ~complete details to all aspects of UO updated daily by players and shard...plus message boards and more |
Ultima Online's Homepage ~overseen by OSI the creators of Ultima Online..contains the complete Official Guidebook to Uo as well as news of upcomming changes ect..plus much more |
Chesapeake Daily News ~complete daily news on the Chesapeake shard...run completely by players on the shard itself..News Community and Forums for all topics |
The Britannia Outfit ~guild recently joined by Sunrunner..he is serveing as a soldier under orders of his good friend Cap'n Morgan |
Juevos del Diablo ~largest murderer guild on the shard..and sworn enemy |
Friends and Family ~barely started |