

My Page About Her


Me, Myself, and That One Guy
05.06.01- Oh yea it has been a real long time. I've added some poetry and I will soon be putting up some pictures from prom. The journal has been updated regularly though so you should know what is happening for those that care.

01.29.01- I got the pics page up today. It took me a little while longer than I though to write the code but hey it was worth it. You can now see all the people I hang out with. I will add some more soon.

01.28.01- Well I got some more stuff up. I got my pics on my computer but I havn't gotten them up yet. All the other pages work so that is cool. Well it is really late... err early so I'm going to go to bed. Uhh Gordy tired... must rest.

01.23.01- Hey I got on of those live journal things today so I can keep track of stuff like that. I will soon have some pictures up that show exactly what kinda person I am. Don't go away yet they aren't porn just me and a few friends having some fun.