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Image "Herald of Serra" by Matthew D Wilson. Copyright WotC. Used without permission.

Now that you've found me, what do you plan to do...?
So many choices, how will you ever decide?
Be sure to leave some token of gratitude...let me know you've been.
e-mail me at hurracan@gmail.com... just use the ICQ box near the bottom to send me a message if it's urgent (broken link, whatever).
I know the site's a little heavy with the (absence of) colour that is black. It's easier that way, trust me. Tina the Troubled Teen Crane
It saddens me that beseen.com died and I now no longer have a chat room embedded in the page. Instead, my journal is available.

Follow this little button to get to my links.linkslinks

And here are some of my pictures.

I'll break the monotony here with some of my writings.

I have always wanted to be a hacker, but I know I'm just a cyberpunk. I don't really care if I offend anyone anymore...not really. Now might be a good time to describe myself.

This page (mine) is being designed and viewed in 1024x768 on microsoft's IE version 5+. Probably, it's best viewed under these conditions, too. If it doesn't work for you, it isn't my fault.

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gennosuke got their NeoPet at http://www.neopets.com
gennosuke got their NeoPet at http://www.neopets.com
Join the i-squad now!

This page last updated 01/09/2005(My un-birthday/email)

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