Hi! Im Shawn and this page is about some of my favorite games.
I have been slowly working on making a section for Ultima IV.
I wanted to make a really cool Ultima IV page due to the
recent release of the Ultima Compilation.
But I got tired
of playing the game so I am making something real simple.
I signed up on 05/04/98 at 22:58 and the site is still under construction.
My interests are: Computer Games, Badminton, and .
Please come back soon and visit me.
(Last modified on 27 September 98 at 1:34 am PST)
Survey Britannia, a guide to the world of Ultima IV.
Please visit my friends. They have geocities web sites too.
My friend Felicia's page. - Some friends that like Sanrio.
Greg and Mei's Page. - My friends home page.
Phil's Page - Go here to learn about CD-R.
Play By Mail Games.
San Jose State University - Im SJSU alumni.
© 1997 poston@pacbell.net