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This page is dedicated to helping people interested in this game to get through it and also provide cheats and codes to make the game better than it is. I will update this page often so check back. Also if you have any suggestions, leave them at the guestbook or the message board. If anyones browser is having trouble because of the music please email me and let me know. If you have your own page, then put the link to your page on my message board and I'll add it to my Link section. Also I'm going to start updating the Tips and Tricks section so send me them by email or leave them at the messgae board.

Job Classes
Gameshark codes
Tips and Tricks
Deep Dungeon
Poaching List
FFT Chat
The FFT Club
Message Board
My Guestbook


01/03/00-Added screenshots to the pics section and fixed the broken links within that section.

11/21/99-Added Reis Dragooner icon and fixed Tiamat icon.

10/31/99-Added more tips and tricks and fixed Message Board Link

9/5/99-Added more icons

8/29/99-I put up a link in the gameshark section, that will explain how to use the debug code.

8/23/99-I've been making a lot of updates in the past week, but forgot to put them here. I added a few more icons, the debug menu gameshark code, and more links.

8/8/99-Put up a section with the webrings I'm in. Go through some of those, cuz they have some interesting sites. Also added a few more gs codes. And I added a couple of links.

8/4/99-Got a chat room.

8/3/99-Added another link to the links section.

8/1/99-Added more Gameshark codes, and an icons section.

7/25/99-Added more Gameshark Codes, more links, fixed pics link, fixed squire pic in Job class section.

7/10/99-Added more Links, and updated Tips and Tricks

7/9/99-Updated Walkthrough and added Poaching List section

7/8/99-Added Fan Art Section.

6/14/99-Added Links section.

6/10/99-Added Midi section.

5/21/99-Added more gameshark codes.

5/19/99-Finished Equipment section.

5/18/99-Added music to index page. Started item list and character list.

5/16/99-Added more gameshark codes.

5/9/99-Finished regular ability list w/in walkthrough section and started NPC ability list.

5/8/99-Finished battle modifier digits for gameshark.

5/1/99-Updated gameshark codes.

4/28/99-Updated gameshark codes and started ability list within walkthrough.

4/23/99-Created and finished Deep dungeon walkthrough within secrets section.

4/21/99-Created Secrets section. Also started job class section within walkthrough section.

4/20/99-Finished Walkthrough. Added more gs codes.

4/18/99-Finally got the site running. Just started walkthrough, got a message board, got a guestbook, and almost finished with gameshark codes section.

The following are the webrings I am in:

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