EndbringerS SquadroN

EndbringerS SquadroN

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Wellcome to The LongBow 2 EndbringerS Squadron WEB.

"There is no Knowledge
that is no power"

This is the place where the Wrath of God touched the Earth.

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Where the Men become The Army of Justice and DeStruction.

There is only one reason for our SquadroN:

The EndBringerS Squadron is open for all the pilots who wants to join it.
There are some "concepts" thats must be understanding for become a menber of the EndbringerS.

1.- We are here to form a Squadron.
2.- The only way of flying is "live" the fly.
We do not accept guys who play helos games,we only accept pilots which blood is feed by the passion of the flight.
3.- Never betray your Squadron.
4.- Be prepare for the UneXpeCTeD!

JOIN NOW: (What I have to do?)
1.- Be prepare for combat.
2.- Click here:Join The EndbringerS! Now!
3.- Follow the instructions.

C.W. Eric Draven
The EndbringerS
Wrath of God Division

...Bring The End...
to those who deserve it.
(The Wrath of God Division)

Join The Wrath of God Division!

Our Sword is the Apache.
Our Word the HellFires.
Our Way Bring the End.

Our Ranges:

WO- Warrant Officer.
CW- Chief Warrant.
2nd LT - Second Lieutenant
1st LT - First Lieutenant
CAPT - Captain
MAJ - Major
LT COL - Lieutenant Colonel
COL - Colonel

Write me to: Click here to write me: djfactor@arrakis.es

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