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I'm keeping the Colossium up and if any of you can get in and use it please email me. I would like to know if people can use it.

Think of my web site as a town, a town inbetween Necropolis and Ashland. A little town called Broadview. Nestled inbetween the two bustling metropolis' we find a stopping point by the name of Club Gehenna. Club Gehenna is the biggest club in town that tends to draw people from all around. At the other side of the town is a Colossium, in need of repair and hasn't been used in years. And if you can find underground fighting arena where any wrong doing can and usually is settled.

Welcome to Broadview, the last stop on your road to the
Eternal night.

Please make use of my town if you'd like to chat privatly with someone or if the White Wolf site goes down (more often than not) and one more thing please dont offend anyone in my chat rooms, we're all mature gamers here

A play by email game is currently in progress, dont be left out!

I plan on expanding Broadview to encompass the Werewolf and Sorcerer aspects of this city soon but will stick with Vampire for now. If you like what you see and read feel free to email me or sign my guest book at the bottom of this page. All responses are accepted..good or bad and please....if you want to get a game going EMAIL me! I'd love to hear about it and maybe we could play here!! Bye for now, Jerry

About Broadview
Check out "Necropolis" a highway link
On to "Ashland" a highway link
Jade's Haven a highway link
This is Necropolis Online the online host for all Necropolis
Max's Place a highway link
Welcome to Elysium..a highway link
Welcome to the Town Hall
The Primogen's Table
Page me

Join the Ring of the Night

Characters of note:


Kirsten Deluna

Malcom Velonese

Join the Blue Ribbon Online Free Speech Campaign!

Email me anytime.

The use of White Wolf and any other name associated with White Wolf game studios is used here only in a role playing sense and in no way is meant to infringe upon thier copyrights

Music from the Shadows

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