I am sorry to tell everyone but "A Tex Murphy Webpage" has been
TEMPERARILY shut down. BUT, it will be re-located at.....*drum roll*...... http://www.texmurphyschoice.com and yes, it
will be titled "Tex Murphy's Choice" Be sure not to miss it, I will be starting
it in about a month. Goddamn $70 startup bill...;) Seems like a long time, but it will be
worth it. If you must stay in touch with A Tex Murphy Webpage then you could go to it at http://www.geocities.com/timessquare/fortress/6813/main1.htm but it will not be updated.
Also, I am looking for a staff. Since that I am going to be getting my
own domain, I don't want it to be a one-man job. I am looking for just about everything, Graphics, Writers, Music...etc.. So, if you are interested in applying for a job at Tex Murphy's Choice, then please E-Mail me at jdt@cgocable.net and tell me what your talent is. It would also help if you send me something that you have made/written/whatever OR any referances. I use the term JOB really loosely, you will not be getting paid (c'mon I could barely afford the domain) It is just for fun. -Jeff Taylor |