Hello and welcome to my tribute to, in my opinion, one of the greatest
fantasy authors of all time. I am referring to R.A. Salvatore. Of all the
characters that have come from his imagination, the best is probably
Drizzt Do'Urden. I am currently working on finishing up my collection
of books on Drizzt, and I am currently only short Starless Nights and
Shores of Dusk. I have recently found out to my dismay that Shores of Dusk has been cancelled and will not be published. I plan to have more info
and stuff later so please bookmark this page and visit it often.
If you have any comments or suggestions please e-mail me.
Later I will have my Gallery up.
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If you have any cool pictures of Drizzt Do'Urden that you would like to see on my page or in the gallery that I plan on creating, please be so kind as to send them to me via e-mail attatchment at tcloud9@hotmail.com.
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