° Gaming Links
° Play By E-Mail
° Perry's Book Corner
° Comics, Education
° Other Useful Linkage
Gaming Links
† INSMV/In Nomine differences
† In Nomine - Angels v. Demons
† INS/MV Worship page
† In Nomine Worship Page
† My Table-Top homepage
° A nice list of suggestions to flesh out your characters
° Source for conspiracy games
° Goats.com - the best on-line comic
° Sluggy.com - also the best on-line comic
† Sinfest.com - for the little devil in all of us.
† Down to Earth - a devilishly good comic
Other Useful Linakge
° Perry's Piglist
° Internet Education Interaction
° Pattern Based Learning
° Useful Links
° www.google.com
° www.hotmail.com
° Living on Earth
° washingtonpost.com
° www.cnn.com
° www.mountnebo.com
° All Your Base . . .
Play By-EMail Games
† Soldiers of Linn
† Nouveau Play By E-Mail
e-mail me at perrylloyd@hotmail.com
Above is an image from the In Nomine line of game books, published by Steve Jackson Games and colorized by Elizabeth McCoy (the line editor) herself. |