Squirrel's Nut House

"Live fast, die young, and leave a flat patch of fur on the highway..."

What I do all day...

{short description of image} Collections - "Oooh! Sparklies!" - Wolves, unicorns, Puffkins, Beanie Babies, Puffkins, books, Puffkins, Puffkins and MORE PUFFKINS! Visit my page.

{short description of image} Take a look at my Role-Playing Page

{short description of image} Mi Familia...pictures pending

{short description of image} My scribblings...writing the Great American Novel...yeah, right.

{short description of image} You can never have too many cats...and other animals...visit my pets!

{short description of image} Sign my Guestbook!

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The Puffkin tag symbol and the Swibco logo are copyright Swibco, and no, I didn't get permission to use them. But I have provided a link to their site (see the Puffkin page) and acknowledged their copyright. Hope that's enough for the lawyers :-)