Welcome to Ultros Land! Come on in and stick around for a while. There's lots to see!

This is actually the new Ultros land. The old one is history.
I use to have a web page, But It was on my friend's computer. He didn't keep up on his payments and lost the service. Then his computer crashed and the whole page was lost. My old page sucked, but this one isn't bad. I built it out of sheer boredom. Now that summer's over, I will be updating the page alot.
I have recently recieved an email from someone who says I should make a comic that is updated frequently. I think that will be my next project. Keep checking in and see my progress.

By the way, tell your friends about this page, and If you know a good way to increase traffic to my site, pleeeze tell me!

Please come back soon and visit me!
-Uncle Ultros, owner and proprieter-

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