Eod Index

Final Fantasy 7
Final Fantasy Tactics

Command and Conquer
C&C: Red Alert
C&C: Tiberium Sun

News on Nowhere Fast

After four years I have finally gotten this site up to a semi-decent state.... I hope! Check out my links and tell me if anything is going wrong. I will be working on a few projects of my own and will eventually post them all on this page so keep this page bookmarked.

Fear Factory is one of my favorite bands, be sure to check them out:



I finally got a new template for the options menu on the side of my page, personally i really like it, and i hope everyone else does as well! I am revamping my cheat page to be a links section to good cheat sites, as well as some cheat sections on my page. Currently my page will host only pc cheats as I am getting ready to produce the eod section partially to the public. My strategy section will soon have strategies set for red alert 2 and kohan while some of my other strategies will be slightly strengthened. The strategy section will also have upcoming news about new strategy games as well as potential release dates.


The Eod section is coming along but i need some help in producing some of the items. If you would like to aid me in the item creation process, please email me at 04_dbickhart@campus.fairfield.edu. Please remember that items must be somewhat scientific, and must also be balanced (no ungodly swords of invulnerability please). Hopefully now that i have beaten most of my games I will be able to focus more on my site.


I will soon be adding a MMORPG section to my page covering general MMORPG news concerning Everquest and Anarchy Online specifically. Of course im now out of the Everquest loop, but I think I can still provide some Early game hints right? I will also be covering Anarchy Online as I am aspiring to be a beta tester (*crosses fingers*) and frankly think that the game will be better than eq by a longshot