New look, new information. Decided to redesign again, this time I may actaully stick with it. What will you be seeing from now on? First ,as you can see on this page, a weekly poll that will ask questions that don't really need to be asked, but I am going to anyways. A weekly useless fact, one of those great things you can tell your friends so they can wonder 'How much free time and of a life does this guy have to find these things out. Lastly on this page, upcoming events in the realms. so far this page and the map page are in the new format, will get to others sometime in near future.
On the map page, besides the latest maps, I will be posting any new shops that open in already know areas as they are found. Plus I am thinking of running a weekly contest that is related to diferent areas in the game. Just in the working progress for now.
Lastest update to any of pages is the map page. Finally gotten the maps to the southern area of Athens finished. Links have been updated to include more and been organized by type of site, sort of, so far. Was thinking of doing a daily Athens news update here, but since Rampion is back, figure he does it better on his site already. Of course, this fine with me cause now I will only have to bother updating my page once a week in stead of daily. Well, I'll have to find more to add to this main page, but something will coming to mind sooner or later. |
Useless Fact of the Week
While nutmeg may be nice in your eggnog, it is a dangerous poison if injected introveniously
Upcoming Events
Simon Sez
Date: August 30
Time: ???
Think you know your verbs? Want to win prizes? Then join Nikos as he leads in the famous follower the leader game.
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