2023 the legend began. The origional Megaman began his years of conflict to protect the freedom of humanity.
2083 Megaman finaly wins the final victory over the mad Wily but kills him in the process. Dr. Light Takes him off line and redesigns him.
2189 The Capsul of Megaman X is found by Dr. Cain.
2190 Reploids go in to production. Later in the year the first reploids went "maverick". The hunters are founded, Sigma is chosen to lead them.
JUNE 4TH 2190 Sigma went maverick and took most of the hunters with him. X decides to join Zero and go after them.
???? It is not known how long the X Wars(as they came to be known) lasted the older dates were kept on paper backup. In the year 2934 the last super vires hit the net and deleted much of our history. At that time most compuers were one big network. What little that we know from farther back was on paper or on a seperate computer. The vires was so agressive that for 20 years anytime a disk of anything was accessed the computer would distroy it. There are records from before then but the Anciants are not inclined to talk about so far in the past. They clame that exact details are not needed by civilians. What is known is that around 7000 mavericks lived past the wars. Mot of them dispersed to the far corners of known existance some went past the known worlds. A few hunters took up the charge to find these miscreants from the past and end them. Today even a fewer still exist. The remaining hunters are laughed at for wasting their life in search of a long decreaped enemy. But all of the remaining hunters claim that even one could couse the evil to heal and begain a new. Come now and join in. For these hunters are soon to be proven right. The latest super vires is about to meet the latest reploid and the universe will burn in its birth. Only a long disbanded few can change this destany. Do you have what it takes to help?