The World in Short

Welcome to the World of Cyberhunter, the year is 2347, the world has been nearly destroyed by the warring nations of Earth. There are only a few inhabitable continents left, among them North America and Australia. There are a few guns left in the world, most of them are home made or are unreliable. After the war, some of the robotic AI plants were not destroyed, and they continued to produce robots, that function as people and have growing programs that let them evolve. The remaining men and women realized the danger of the robot factories and quickly destroyed them, leaving the robots. Many people try to make a living, some as cybernetic engineers, for a price they add cybernetic attachments to humans, Lizardmen, Dogmen, and Halflings. The law is no existent in most towns, only a few towns have a reliable police force. Most towns the cops can be bribed. The streets are filled with former military, thugs, ex-cons, and freaks who love pain above all else. People have no problem making a living, whether it is transporting goods across the wastes, or hunting down the remaining factory bots. The world is full or opportunity.


The Cyberhunter Staff


Mike Rohling

Creator, writer, development, head guru.

Nick Blahna

Creative Consultant

If you'd like to help out on the Cyberhunter Project, e-mail me



After nearly a year away, its time to revamp the whole system, bear with me while major changes are made and races and classes are redefined. World scheme is being restructured a little bit. Certain races are being tossed out and some are being modifed for the sake of story.

We would appreciate any input or feedback direct all questions/comments to the above e-mail address.

Once Cyberhunter is Completed it will be all organized in a neat and orderly fashion, until then I'm just adding things in no particular order.



Races and Classes






Freak Creation

Vehicle Rules


All Material and Images © 1999-2002 Mike Rohling