God's Den

I shall rule ze world! gyahahahaha

HI I am SPARTACUS and as you know I SHALL RULE ZE WORLD My plan goes as follows:
Step 1

I shall ask Saddam Hussain for money to buy land in Russia. Ze transfer will take place in a secret Swiss bank so I will have absolute secrecy. I will assure Saddam that this will make ze Americans very woried over the next few years.
Step 2

I will start to use some of ze funds buy hiring Russian scientis ts to start researching weapons of mass destruction. I will also be selling these plans to third world countries for more money.
Step 3

After sufficient research has been done, I will hire ze architects to design a very small weapons facility out of stealth materials.
Step 4

I will then tell Saddam to give me a few troops to guard the construction of a weapons factory. I will promise to give him a third of my products, thus drawing attention away from me.
Step 5

I will begin to make my "nuclear playhouse". One week I will make one type, the next week another, etc...

Step 6

After I have enough weapons to destroy ze world seven times over I will send an envoy to Iraq. The envoy will "accidenty" release a chemical weapon into Saddam's dinner glass.
Step 7

I will immediately denounce the envoy and calll him a traitor to my cause. He will then be beaten, maimed and murdered, publically. I will promise to lead the country to glory, that they would be the first out of many others to come. I will tell them that their future lay in my hands, we are surrounded by enemies and I will need funds. I will promise to repay double what they give me. I will raise a gigantic military all fanatically loyal to me. This will be my hardest step.
Step 8

Aftedr I have complete and absolute control over the Iraqi armed forces, I shall immediately make ammends with the US, and other countries that hate us. I will tell the U.N that we are a different country, that we posses chemical weapons, but will keep a very limited amount.
Step 9

As dictator of Iraq I will lower taxes and start a large welfare program to keep people from starving. I will make the military the most profitable job. I will invite scientists from all over the world to convene and do research at little or no expense to them. I shall turn Iraq into a technolgical Utopia.
Step 10

My next task as ruler of Iraq would be to design a severe airborn biological weapon. I would also develop a vaccine to go along with it.
Keep visiting for the latest on world domination. Take a peak at the Arsenal

visit my friend's page here BLAH

and HERE is A really cool SOUTH PARK PAGE
This is one page you won't wanna miss if your an AOL user.
This is my good friend known as the "fat man"

Site Created on Summer O' 97
Site last updated 2/8/99
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